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In solidarity with striking metalworkers at ArcelorMittal in Italy tomorrow

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Dear Sisters and Brothers,

We are writing this letter to you on behalf of IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll European Trade Union, both representing millions of workers in mining, energy and manufacturing industries in Europe and worldwide, to express our full support and solidarity with your strike scheduled for tomorrow at all the plants of ArcelorMittal in Italy calling on the company to urgently disclose its business plan, and engage in a meaningful dialogue with the unions to ensure the viability of the plants while keeping jobs and decent working conditions for the entire workforce.

IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll European Trade Union find it unacceptable that the company submitted its business plan to the Italian government on 5 June, without having consulted the unions. Furthermore, this plan, which is apparently based on an agreement between the company and the government in March, once again without any union involvement, contains redundancies at various sites, which we strongly oppose.

Therefore, we join our voice to demand that ArcelorMittal honour the agreement signed with the unions on 6 September 2018 concerning full employment, investment and environmental restoration. In this sense, we call on ArcelorMittal to disclose immediately their plans for the future of all plants in Italy, and sit down with the trade unions to negotiate a fair recovery that takes full account of job security and decent working conditions, including liveable wages.

IndustriALL Global Union and industriAll European Trade Union fully supports your strike tomorrow and we send you our warmest solidarity greetings.

In solidarity with metalworkers at ArcelorMittal in Italy

Message of Solidarity to the Italian Comrades of ArcelorMit

OS KOVO Support letter to AM Italy