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Meeting di IndustriAll Europe su Formazione professionale e Apprendistato

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Training and Education

Meeting of industriAll Europe

Luxembourg, 16th December 2014

link a IndustriALL


10.00 – 10.15                 Opening of the meeting (Isabelle Barthès)

10.15 – 12.30                 Training and education: EU priorities

  • Apprenticeship
  • Standardisation and EQF

Agnes Roman (ETUC policy adviser)


Discussions and next steps


12.30                                Lunch break


14.15 – 15.15                 The EU e-skills agenda: what are the implications for workers in the manufacturing industry and for workers’ representatives ?

Laurent Zibell (industriAll Europe Policy Adviser)


15.15 – 16.30                 Overview of the recent developments in the field of training and education in the different EU countries (VET, continuous training, life-long-training, anticipation of training….)(input from the participants’)


16.30 – 17.00                 Discussions and next steps


17.00                                End of the meeting


Pubblicazione di IndustriALL sull’Apprendistato ETUC-brochure Apprenticeship

List of participants


Training and Education Meeting

Luxembourg, 16th December 2014




BE                                  Dimitra Penidis                              ACV/CSC BIE


DE                                  Barbara Galla                                 IG Metall


DK                                  Per Paskesen                                   CO Industri


ES                                   Juan Blanco Blanco                      CC.OO FI


FI                                    Riina Nousiainen                          PRO


FR                                   Odile Denis                                     CFDT FGMM

FR                                   Jean-François Foucard                CFE-CGC Métallurgie – FCMTM

FR                                   François Hommeril                       CFE-CGC Chimie (Textile)


IT                                    Maurizio Marcelli                         CGIL FIOM

IT                                    Antonello Gisotti                          CISL FIM


NO                                 Vegard Groslie Wennesland     FELLESFORBUNDET


RO                                  Corina Goage                                 Fratia Petrom-Energie


SW                                 Charlie Levin                                   UNIONEN

Anna-Lena Börgö Etaat               Nordic IN


Speaker                           Agnes Roman (ETUC policy adviser)


industriAll Europe       Isabelle Barthès

Laurent Zibell