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Protesta dei sindacati dei minatori in Polonia

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I sindacati dei minatori in Polonia condannano il recente annuncio della Kompania Weglowa (azienda statale polacca), la più grande compagnia mineraria d’Europa, di chiudere quattro miniere di carbone. Le chiusure annunciate porteranno alla perdita di migliaia di posti di lavoro, con ripercussioni gravi per i lavoratori, le comunità minerarie e della regione nel suo complesso. IndustriALL Europa critica fortemente il fatto che i piani di ristrutturazione sono messi insieme senza un’adeguata consultazione dei rispettivi sindacati, che garantiscano strategie di ristrutturazione più socialmente responsabili.
Newsletter – industriAll Europe

Polish miners protest Coal Mine closures
13 January 2015   Miners’ trade unions in Poland condemn the recent announcement of Polish state-owned Kompania Weglowa, Europe’s biggest mining company, to close four coal mines. The announced closures will lead to the loss of thousands of jobs, with severe repercussions for the workers, mining communities and the region as a whole. IndustriAll Europe strongly criticises the fact that restructuring plans are put together without proper consultation of the respective trade unions, which would ensure more socially-responsible restructuring strategies. [ Read more ]

ThyssenKrupp Acciai Speciali Terni: employees approve agreement

13 January 2015   On 17 December, employees of ThyssenKrupp Acciai Speciali Terni approved the agreement reached on 3 December between the trade unions, the company, and both national and local institutions with regard to the restructuring and relaunching of activities at the site. The agreement – reached after 44 days of continuous strike action – provides for the maintenance of activities over the next four years, as well as the suppression of 305 jobs on a purely voluntary basis, and partly restores the company agreement which the company had unilaterally decided to terminate. [ Read more ]

Solidarity and Commitment to defend Democratic Freedoms

12 January 2015   IndustriAll Europe members joined the millions of marchers on the streets of France and throughout Europe taking part in yesterday’s rallies to honour the victims of the Paris terrorist attacks and show their commitment to defending democratic values. We have witnessed an unprecedented popular demonstration of unity, strength and determination to defend fundamental democratic freedoms, including the freedom of speech and freedom of expression, right across the world. [ Read more ]

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